An interactive choreographic installation.
Who is spectator? Who is performer?
Festina Lente - make haste slowly is blurring the boundaries. The audience gives impulses to the dancers and set them into motion. It appears at first like a game, but as the piece unfolds and time and space materialize, one’s own way of dealing with expectations is revealed. With joyful ease Festina Lente generates its dynamic out of the moment.
“Festina Lente is a magical choreography that leaves it to the audience to listen, to listen to the others and to be carried away by the rhythm of the dance. It feels like a new story is starting over every time.”
“Dance can be subversive in a very subtle way: in the piece “Festina Lente – make haste slowly”, from Malgven Gerbes and David Brandstätter, the exchange of glances between the audience and the dancers creates a temporary community, that must always be renegotiated.”
PROJECT, CHOREOGRAPHY Gerbes, David Brandstätter | DANCE, COLLABORATION Caroline Allaire, Vidal Bini, David Brandstättter, Katarzyna Chmielewska, Malgven Gerbes, Sebastian Kurth, I-Fen Lin, Stève Paulet (5 dancer per performance) | MUSIC Ruth Wiesenfeld | LIGHT DESIGN Bruno Pocheron, Ruth Waldeyer, Medhi Toutain-Lopez | DRAMATURGIC ADVICE David Williams | PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Katja Kettner | PRESS Ruth Hunsdörfer | TOURING Alix Pellet, Clémence Rey | PRODUCTION shifts – art in movement | COPRODUCTION Le Phare – Centre chorégraphique national du Havre Haute-Normandie / direction Emmanuelle Vo-Dinh; fabrik Potsdam: Artists-in-residence; Le TRIANGLE, Cité de la Danse, Rennes; Scène Nationale Evreux Louviers | STUDIOS Le Dancing de la Compagnie Beau Geste; Uferstudios - Tanzfabrik Berlin | WITH THE SUPPORT OF La Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles de Normandie, La Région Normandie, Le Conseil Général de Seine-Maritime dans le cadre du projet 1artiste - 1collège, Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin | SOME PERFORMANCES HAVE RECEIVED THE SUPPORT OF ODIA Normandie / Artistic Development Office of Normandy; ONDA - Office nationale de diffusion artistique; NPN Nationales Performance Netz; Goethe Institut.
Festival Pharenheit : Centre Chorégraphique National du Havre Haute-Normandie direction Emmanuelle Vo-Dinh | Théâtre des Chalands en co-réalisation avec la Scène Nationale Evreux Louviers | Le Rive Gauche, scène conventionnée danse de St-Etienne-du-Rouvray | Tanznacht Berlin | Uferstudios – Tanzfabrik Berlin | Festival Made in Potsdam | Tanz Heilbronn | Festival Kunstfest Weimar | festival La Danse de tous les Sens | La Friche La Belle de Mai.