A solo on experiences by Malgven Gerbes
Intention Note
Malgven Gerbes shares fragments of her investigations in between the familiar and the new. Generated by lines of chalk that lead into movements, an evocative map emerges ; a collection of experiences, ideas, memories, people, places, energies, desires and encounters. Drawings become movements, movements become drawings. Between illustrations and enactments, Cartographie creates spaces for the audience's imaginative life.
Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten
“An authentic process of search that could take place in any of us.”
Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung
“This performance showed the really new and o ered a vast array of continuously changing images and experiences. A total work of art, an artistic self-presentation with impressive results.”
CHOREOGRAPHY, TEXTS, DANCE Malgven Gerbes | DRAMATURGIC ADVICE, SOUND David Brandstätter | LIGHT Thomas Achtner | VIDEO Thomas Achtner, Malgven Gerbes |
DIALOGUES IN WORDS AND MOVEMENTS WITH Eva Karczag, Chris Crickmay, Katrina Brown |
RESIDENCES Studio Cie Beau Geste; Le Moulin Louviers; Collectif Danse Rennes Métropole; Tanztendenz Munich; Giesinger Bahnhof Munich; Lofft Leipzig | PRODUCTION s h i f t s – art in movement | COPRODUCTION fabrik Potsdam: Artists-in-Residence | WITH THE SUPPORT OF La Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles de Haute-Normandie, la Région Haute-Normandie | SOME PERFORMANCES HAVE RECEIVED THE SUPPORT OF l’ODIA Normandie - Office de diffusion et d’information artistique de Normandie
Made in Potsdam Festival | Tanzhaus NRW Düsseldorf | Tanztausch Festival Cologne | Studio Cie Beau Geste |Gdansk Dance Festival.